Product labels are important because they provide essential information about food, allow it to be stored and eaten safely, and enable consumers to make informed purchasing choices. The issue of product labeling is regulated by law and is subject to strict control. Although any counterfeiting of labels is subject to severe sanctions, such cases do occur.

What should you pay attention to when buying food - also in bulk - in order to recognize errors and falsifications in labeling?

What are food labels?

Food labels are information placed on food packaging, which contain information on the composition and nutritional value of the product, as well as the best-before date, storage conditions, country of origin, manufacturer and other information about the product. The labels also contain information on the amount of protein, fat, carbohydrates, salt and other nutrients per unit of weight or volume of the product. They may also contain information about food additives such as preservatives, dyes and sweeteners.

The rules for labeling food products are being internationally standardized. In the case of European Union countries, manufacturers must comply with the guidelines of Regulation No. 1169/2011 of the European Parliament and of the European Council of 25 October 2011 and national regulations.

What foods are most likely to have counterfeit labels?

Although there are legal, economic and even reputational sanctions for the falsification of food labels for the entrepreneur, falsification of food product labels still occurs. The reasons for such dishonest actions of entrepreneurs are often economic reasons and widely understood savings.

According to the Food Safety and Nutrition Act, a food product is considered adulterated if:

  • substances have been added to it that change its composition or reduce its nutritional value,
  • an ingredient has been subtracted or the content of one or more ingredients determining the nutritional value or other properties of the food has been reduced, treatments have been made to hide its true composition or give it the appearance of a food of proper quality,
  • its name, composition, date or place of production, best-before date or date of minimum durability have been given untruthfully or otherwise incorrectly labeled - thus affecting the safety of the food.

And although the practice can apply to any type of food, counterfeiting of labels most often occurs in the case of certain types of products. In this group we can distinguish:

  • Honey - this is not about "artificial" (synthetic) honey, but about a situation where the manufacturer additionally sweetens the honey with sucrose, artificial honey or corn syrup. Counterfeiting of honey often also concerns the place of production;
  • Juices and drinks – according to the regulations, no supplements or sugar should be added to fruit juices, unfortunately many producers do not respect this requirement;
  • Vegetable oils - here dishonest producers look for savings by adding other oils to the product;
  • Alcoholic beverages - counterfeiting often involves the addition of artificial "colorants" (in wines or whiskey) or a false declaration of the origin of the product;
  • Dairy products and milk - Counterfeiting often consists of adding cheaper cow's milk to sheep's or goat's milk;
  • Meat and meat products – also here, counterfeiting often concerns the origin of raw meat and the addition of pork to beef or poultry products.

How to avoid fake labels?

Despite the activities of the competent control authorities, falsification of labels still occurs. Therefore, it is worth being aware of the problem and being sensitive to the proper reading of labels. And here it makes no difference whether you buy food products wholesale or you are a retail customer yourself. To avoid fake food labels, there are a few rules to follow:

  • Read the labels carefully - the packaging should contain information on the composition, nutritional values, expiration date, manufacturer and distributor.
  • Look for quality certificates - some food products have quality certificates, such as the European Union quality mark, which confirms that the product meets certain standards.
  • Pay attention to the composition - the label should contain information about the ingredients and their quantity. If you see the words "artificial additives", "aromas", "preservatives", etc. on the label, it is worth considering buying such a product or implementing it in your offer. Many customers pay attention to the quality of the products!
  • Watch out for marketing tricks - some products are advertised as "healthy", "natural" or "organic", but it is worth looking at the composition and other information on the label to make sure that these claims are true.
  • Buy products from trusted manufacturers and distributors - if you are not sure whether a given product is safe, it is worth choosing products from well-known and trusted brands or food wholesalers.
  • Compare products - it is worth comparing different food products in terms of composition, nutritional value and price to choose the best option.

What to look for when buying food wholesale?

Every entrepreneur offering their goods to a retail customer knows how important it is to select the right assortment and supplier. Diversified and quality products allow you to gain the trust of customers and translate into profits in the long run. Therefore, when buying food wholesale, it is worth paying attention to several important issues in order to choose the right products at a good price:

  • Shelf life - it is important to choose products that have a shelf life as long as possible. However, it is worth remembering that some products, such as fresh fruits and vegetables, have a short shelf life and should be consumed as soon as possible. With such products, it is worth rethinking the supply schedule to optimize the supply chain. It is also recommended to use wholesalers with proper methods of transporting food and storing food in the warehouse.
  • Storage conditions - it is important that products are properly stored in warehouses, on store shelves and in delivery trucks, even if it is food with a long shelf life. Pay attention to temperature and humidity to avoid damaging or spoiling the products.
  • Composition and quality of products - it is worth checking the composition and quality of products to ensure that they meet certain standards and requirements. Pay attention to the origin of the products, their quality, freshness and any quality certificates.
  • Price - wholesale food prices may vary depending on the manufacturer, product quality and seasonality. It is worth comparing the prices of different suppliers and choosing the best offer. Many wholesalers make it possible to negotiate the offer or adapt it to the needs of a given customer.
  • Package size - when buying food in bulk, it is worth paying attention to the size of packages, as larger packages can be more profitable. However, it is also worth considering whether you will be able to consume the entire package before the expiry date.
  • Legal Requirements - Please note that when purchasing food in bulk, there are relevant legal requirements for labelling, storage and transportation of products. It is worth making sure that suppliers meet these requirements and have the necessary certificates.